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This essay offers an overview of the pro-life and pro-choice perspectives. Pro-life people believe that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability, or quality-of-life concerns. Some of the sources of pro-life perspectives are religion and tradition. As for the pro-choice perspective, individuals have unlimited autonomy with respect to their reproductive systems, as long as they don’t breach the autonomy of others. They promote the legalization of contraception use and abortion. However, more people tend to make choices based on religious views on abortion. The two perspectives may conflict with governments and personal autonomy, as well.
overview of the pro-life and pro-choice perspectives


Religious views on abortion have more influence over the choices and opinions of many people. They maintain that life is sacred and that it begins at conception. However, some agree that there is a difference of personhood between fetuses and fully-formed human beings. In the modern age, millennials tend to support pro-choice perspectives on abortion. The definition of human life is still unclear as governments do not want to support specific theological views. Traditions differ concerning pro-choice and pro-life perspectives. Some traditions assert that the soul doesn’t exist until well after birth. Other theological traditions teach that there is no immortal soul whatsoever.
 religious views on abortion and the sanctity of life


There is no scientific basis for the existence of a soul. Since most people are religious and value traditional ways of life, they tend to promote pro-life perspectives. However, there is no such basis for the existence of subjectivity, either. Therefore, it becomes difficult to ascertain concepts such as “sanctity.” With increasing liberalization over time, there are more critics of the religious views on abortion. Naturally, we all value each other for social and emotional reasons. Scientists believe that emotion and cognition begin in the late second or early third trimester of pregnancy. With this understanding, educated people, even those with strong religious backgrounds, are leaning towards pro-choice perspectives when it comes to abortion.

Read more of science and alternative standards for personhood at 

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