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Urban education issues continue to rise, and this affects the urban education financial costs. American mythology continues to insist that education is the path to the middle class. They are those struggling to escape the grip of poverty. However, the knowledge that poor, urban students in public schools receive is demonstrably insufficient to make them competitive. There are also challenges in urban education that affect performance objectives. There is much talk today, for example, about the importance of STEM careers for the future of our youth. Yet, mathematics classes in high-poverty high schools are twice as likely to be taught. Urban education financial costs show the inequality in the education system.

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The urban education financial costs represent a picture of the bias that is in the education system. A comparison between the funding of schools in urban districts and suburban areas provides dramatic evidence of inequities. However, not all urban communities coincide with city boundaries. Thus, many urban communities show no noticeable deprivations when their per-pupil expenses compare to those of neighboring regions. Financing presents one of the severe challenges in urban education. The cost of land for schools, and materials and labor for their construction and maintenance, are higher in cities. The cost of vandalism is also higher in urban areas. Financial inequality is a primary example of urban education issues.

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There are several challenges in urban education that lower the effectiveness of the education system. Education is critical in the formation of a well-educated society where dreams come true, and there is an achievement of goals. The challenges begin with the inequality seen in the urban education financial costs. The disparity between students in wealthy districts versus poorer districts continues to exist. This is because of the amount of money available within the regions. Public schools are run and maintained by the cities and towns and receive funds from local property taxes. Finally, resolving some of the urban education issues can restore education standards.

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