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The safety calculus at BP to mitigate ecological risk shows the importance of environmental management. Most reactions to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have focused on disaster response. Also, the results focused on devastating ecological and broader economic impacts. But, there are some future decision-making, cost, and investment implications for firms in terms of safety, preparation.  Therefore, an environmental management system allows for BP to use its safety calculus to deal with environmental issues at hand. The problem facing CEOs is the appropriate levels of preventive cost to use. Finally,  safety calculus will ensure minimal ecological degradation, and its use highlights the importance of environmental management.

For more information on the safety calculus at BP, click


An environmental management system addresses the environmental impact of an organization’s activities. The management system also establishes goals and procedures that improve its effect on the environment and human health. The safety calculus at BP uses the environmental management system. It shows awareness of the importance of environmental management, establishing an environmental management system ensures that organizations comply with federal environmental regulations. Besides, the environmental management system protects public health and safety by establishing procedures to limit or eliminate harmful substances. Finally, the importance of environmental management for companies includes improved brand recognition as a result of their corporate social responsibilities.

For more information on the environmental management system and its importance to organizations, click


It’s easy to take for granted the importance of environmental management. However, its economic and intrinsic value is hard to ignore. Environmental management occurs at all levels–from a city park’s native prairie garden to grand-scale projects. Additionally, the environmental management system can help in managing the environmental impact of organizations on society. Proper environmental management is vital. The ramifications of mismanagement or no control are severe. As non-native plant species spread into native ecosystems, there are additional risks of loss of food sources and habitat. The safety calculus at BP shows that big companies are aware of the importance of environmental management.

For more information on the importance of environmental management and effects of mismanagement, click

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