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For this essay, we will reflect on the government response to the Mumbai attack in India. We will also discuss how the Mumbai attack affected India’s relationships with other countries. When the attacks happened in 2008, the government of India had to respond. However, the country’s security establishment was poor. Analysts argue that the Mumbai terror attacks would be handled better if there was enhanced domestic counterterrorism infrastructure. Therefore, the government came up with better counterterrorism approaches in India. These included infusions of resources, policy consistency, and political will that lacked in India.
For more information on the government response to the Mumbai attack in India, visit


In response to the Mumbai terror attacks, the Indian government formed a foreign policy comprised of the Indian strategic community. This community has academics, journalists, and retired officials who all participate in the public discourse on Indian foreign policy. They help to shape and improve counterterrorism approaches in India. The community is also essential in increasing awareness and public interest in foreign policy issues. The United States played a vital role when it comes to how the Mumbai attack affected India’s relationships with other countries. India invited the United States to use its influence over Pakistan to compel the dismantling of Pakistan’s terror infrastructure.

For more information on the policy decisions to discourage terrorism in India, visit 


India has a five-point formula as part of the counterterrorism approaches of India. The main element of the formula is the exchange of timely and actionable intelligence. Another is the prevention of the misuse of modern communication through collaboration with the private sector. India needs to handle how the Mumbai attack affected India’s relationships with other countries positively. However, India’s counter-terror efforts continue to lag due to a lack of international collaboration in respect of the exchange of information. It may be because of the poor government response to the Mumbai terror attacks in India. The country is building capacities for improved border controls

Read more of India’s long term approach to tackle terrorism at:

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