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Nozick’s Wilt Chamberlain Argument of justice and fair play suggests that whatever arises from a just situation by just steps is itself just. Therefore, Nozick’s entitlement theory entails a system that allows people to keep what they own. According to Nozick, this ownership is crucial to justice and fair play. Nozick’s has his own classification of theories of justice. Either, historical or final result, and either patterned or un-patterned. His entitlement theory is against government policies. For instance, taxation meant to redistribute wealth. Nozick advocates for the creation of what is commonly referred to us, Nozick’s minimal state.

For more information on Nozick’s Wilt Chamberlain Argument visit   

Critiques to Nozick’s Wilt Chamberlain Argument

Several anarchists objected to Nozick’s argument of justice and fair play. For example, The biggest objection suggests that the creation and maintenance of Nozick’s minimal state violate rights in two ways. One is through imposed taxation. Second, through coercive suppression; control of competing for protective agencies. But, the above challenges according to Nozick’s classification of theories of justice and the minimal state does not get a good explanation. Secondly, political philosophers object to Nozick’s entitlement theory. This theory argues against government policies are meant to redistribute wealth through taxation and other policies. They believe that justice involves the redistribution of wealth to enable equality, and this is only possible if the state has systems such as progressive taxation.

For more information on criticism to novicks,s Wilt Chamberlain argument visit   

Nozick’s responses to objections against his theories.

The first objection to Nozick’s minimal state, he explains how the dominant protective association will eliminate its competitors without using coercive forces. Additionally, Nozick’s argument appears as he tries to show how the dominant association’s suppression or control of no-outlaw competitors is not a violation of the rights of those competitors. Nozick argues that an agency offering protective services is proportional to the size of its clientele. Therefore, this argument directly links agencies to their clientele and is a good way to determine which agency to rely on.

For more information on Nozick’s responses to objections against his theories visit 

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