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This assignment addresses women underrepresentation in Canada or women across Canada; It’s been 97 years since Canada elected its first female MP, Agnes MacPhail. Agnes was among just four women running in the 1921 election. Moreover, the election was the first incidence of women in parliament in which women were permitted to run as candidates. In nearly a century, the representation of women in Canadian politics has slowly improved. A woman didn’t serve until 1991, and Canada didn’t get its first female prime minister until Kim Campbell. Lastly, women underrepresentation in Canada or women across Canada continues to be underrepresented in the halls of power.

Women underrepresentation in Canada or women across Canada


We require a more equitable representation of women in parliament to reflect the composition of society more accurately. The equitable representation will also ensure that women’s diverse interests are taken into account. Although women play important leadership roles in the community, women underrepresented in Canada remain considerably lower than men. The international community has made several commitments to rectify the under-representation of women in parliament. For example, the equal participation of women and men in public life is one of the cornerstone achievements. Women underrepresentation in Canada or women in Canada remains lower in the house of commons.

women in parliament and their representation in Canada


Women underrepresentation in Canada or women in Canada comprise 26 percent of members in parliament. The percentage, when compared to 50 percent of men shows an underlying problem. Questions are therefore arising on whether it’s the women’s fault. Many people think so thus capturing how our beliefs and ideals guide the politics of women in parliament. Findings report that only two percent of women and five percent of men have a political interest. The findings result means that Canadian women are almost as politically ambitious as men. However, our political ethos focuses on that ambition gap instead of why so few Canadians want a political career. If women in Canada are to blame for their underrepresentation, we should be able to solve it personally.

causes of women underrepresentation in Canada

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