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This essay discusses understanding political cosmopolitanism and various approaches to cosmopolitanism. Political cosmopolitanism is a set of related conceptions of justice. Each concept has the basis of moral cosmopolitanism. These conceptions address many issues, including global uses of political, legal, and economic power. Therefore, the modern political thought emerges from political theory. Its motivation results from studies of texts and ideas of the traditional Western canon. The methodology of political thought is a crucial aspect in addressing the assumptions of approaching non-Western resources. Therefore, contemporary political cosmopolitanism applies this idea to a diversity of themes and debates. Lastly, they could be questions of nationalism, international law, human rights, global democracy, climate change, and just war theory.
 understanding political cosmopolitanism and various approaches to cosmopolitanism


Modern political thought arises from ideas of cosmopolitanism from ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. Modern humanist thinkers then enriched and pluralized cosmopolitanism. They associated it with openness and diversity exhibited by travelers. Thus, these travelers and other diverse people’s ideals brought about the creation of political cosmopolitanism. Cosmopolitanism, therefore, entails an attitude of open-mindedness and relates to the concept of modern enlightenment. Philosophers developed political cosmopolitanism into a legal doctrine of international relations with implications far beyond personal ethics. Here, the approaches to cosmopolitanism included Erasmus’ idea of focusing on our shared humanity. This way, therefore, we can avoid our cultural differences and tolerate and respect diversity.
cosmopolitanism and modern political thought


This section provides details of economic and political cosmopolitanism. Marxists argue that cosmopolitanism promotes capitalism. They argue that capitalism is self-destructive because of the exploitation, alienation, and poverty that it inflicts on people. Critics of economic approaches to cosmopolitanism emphasize that capitalism can lead to a global environmental disaster. This could be due to the effects of excessive consumption and exploitation of nature. However, it is difficult to change the current system of states. It is almost impossible to realize the cosmopolitan ideal in a way that makes it worth pursuing without prohibiting risks. Professionals of modern political thought even disagree among themselves. Some argue in favor of a strong world-state. On the other hand, others defend voluntary federation and other different systems.
economic and political cosmopolitanism

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