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Understanding organizational culture and leadership styles are the key to a successful organization. When an organization has an influential culture, three things happen. Firstly, employees know how top management wants them to respond to any situation. Secondly, employees believe that the expected response is the proper one. The relationship between organizational culture and leadership ensures employees know the remand they will get for demonstrating the organization’s values. HR has a vital role in perpetuating a strong culture, starting with recruiting and selecting applicants. The selected applicants will eventually have to share the organization’s beliefs and thrive in that culture. An influential culture is a common denominator among successful companies, thus understanding organizational culture and leadership styles is crucial.

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Understanding organizational culture and leadership styles could influence an employee’s job satisfaction. Organizational culture refers to the beliefs and values that have existed in an organization for a long time. The core values of an organization begin with its leadership, which will then evolve to leadership styles. When healthy, unified behavior, values, and beliefs have developed, a strong organizational culture emerges. Administrators usually adjust their leadership behavior to accomplish the mission of the organization. The adjustment could, in turn, influence the employees’ job satisfaction. It is, therefore, essential to understanding the relationship between organizational culture and leadership and employee job satisfaction.

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Understanding organizational culture and leadership styles are skills that great leaders adapt in their way of leadership. Culture sets the tone for relationships between people in an organization. Leadership, on the other hand, is one of the biggest influencers of organizational culture. The types of leadership styles include directive leadership, transformative, servant, participative and authoritative leadership. The best leaders strive to influence culture through their leadership. But it’s how they do this that ultimately shapes the culture of an organization. Directive leadership thrives on a culture of consistency where rewards and punishments usage control workers. The relationship between organizational culture and leadership is evident in the directive leadership style.

For more information on the types of leadership styles that can define an organization’s culture, click

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