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Factors that may cause type 2 diabetes include the body fat distribution and age of a person. Primarily, the illness consists of a series of dysfunctions resulting from the combination of inadequate insulin secretion, excessive glucagon secretion, and resistance to insulin action. Moreover, it is an impairment that interferes with the way the body regulates and uses glucose. Resultantly, it leads to the circulation of too much sugar in the body. Additionally, these high blood sugar levels cause disorders of the nervous, immune, and circulatory systems.  Type 2 diabetes may develop during childhood or adulthood. However, it is is more common in older adults.


Primarily, being overweight is the main risk of type 2 diabetes. Physical activity helps to control weight and uses glucose for energy hence making the cells more sensitive to insulin. This helps to maintain the right blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, inactivity may also increase the risk of this type of diabetes. The risk may also increase due to family history. This is when a parent or sibling has the disease. Moreover, a person`s body fat distribution may pose a risk of the illness. This occurs when the storage of fat takes place in the abdomen rather than the hips or thighs.


Fundamentally, increasing the consumption of complex carbohydrates helps to change the body fat distribution as it slows down the digestion process. This helps to ensure that insulin does not rise to dangerous levels. Consequently, this helps to regulate blood sugar levels and manage type 2 diabetes. Additionally, reducing the intake of unhealthy fats significantly improves health and helps to lose weight. It is also important to include foods like olive oil, avocado, fish, and nuts in the diet.

Read more on the simple methods to change body fat distribution at;

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