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This paper compares traditional gender roles and progressive gender roles. Traditional gender roles refer to how people are expected to act, dress, speak groom and conduct themselves based upon their sexes. For instance, woken should dress in typically feminine ways and be both polite and accommodating. Additionally, men should be strong, bold, and aggressive. However, every society or ethical group has its own gender role expectation that could be the same or different. Moreover, these gender roles could change in different societies over time; progressive gender roles. For example, pink used to be considered a masculine color in the U.S. while blue was considered feminine.


There are many examples of traditional gender roles. Cooking is one role that belongs to women. People believed that women belong to the kitchen hence men should not cook. Working is also a role that belongs to men. Therefore, society dictates that men should work while women should stay at home. Nursing and caretaking is also a role that belongs to women. This, therefore, means that women should consider the needs of others before thinking about themselves. In terms of dressing, women should only put on skirts and dresses while men should wear pants. However, progressive gender roles change this perspective and women can dress in pants too. Lastly, with childhood behavior, boys should play outside while girls should play with dolls.


Feminism, a form of progressive gender role that, gives women the freedom to have careers, be single, childless, leaders, loud, reject traditional ideals of beauty, and often reject traditional gender roles. The feminine identity scale connects s connected the espousal of feminist principles to better mental health, such as lower levels of disordered eating. Consequently, this helps in informing feminist psychotherapies, making the exploration of non-traditional femininity important in women’s mental health care. Collectively, research on traditional and nontraditional femininity and women’s mental health has helped scientists and clinicians understand the unique experiences of women and how the espousal of various femininities affects women’s lives.

Read more on the importance of progressive gender roles among women at;

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