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This research paper looks into Socrates’ legacy, the Socratic worldview, and the philosophy of Socrates. Most scholars recognize Socrates as the founder of Western philosophy. He used to follow original thinking rather than common wisdom. Socrates’ impact on society was, and still is, highly significant. He introduced inductive reasoning, which uses sets of critical questions to validate one’s premises and conclusions. Also, Socrates spent his life studying philosophical and political problems and related issues. Socrates’ philosophical ideas on education, law, and politics transformed the worldview of the world. Finally, the Socratic Method aims to teach by asking questions to expose any contradictions in students’ thoughts and ideas.
For more information on the Socratic worldview and the philosophy of Socrates, visit


Socrates’ philosophical ideas on education rest on simple principles, self-awareness, and expectations. He influenced several later writers and philosophers, including Plato and Aristotle. Transforming the worldview on education was part of Socrates’ legacy. He believed that all those in power require education. Without education, the world would lack order and justice. His approach to education involved three things. One must accept what they know, have the desire to understand more, and gain truth from asking questions. His significance in today’s educational worldview shows Socrates’ impact on society. For example, Socrates believed that everyone should undergo education, regardless of their gender.
Read more of Socrates and his philosophy of education at 


Socrates’ desire and love for philosophy earned him great fame. Socrates’ impact on society was so significant. This is because he was not afraid of defying to defy the tyrannical ruler. He received punishment for preaching and upholding progressive ideas. Socrates’ legacy also included selflessness. He never believed in earning money in exchange for educational teachings. Socrates adhered to this principle though his family was in a huge financial crisis. Socrates’ philosophical ideas are not in any written form. He talked with his students, friends, and opponents. Lastly, the most common sources of Socrates’s ideas are Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle.
Read more of the life and teachings of Socrates at

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