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The Gospel of Matthew. best 2023

The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus’ Five Discourses in Matthew and His Fulfillment of the Old Testament

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew, one of the synoptic gospels, delivers an exclusive outlook on the life and pieces of knowledge of Jesus Christ. This essay discovers the five homilies carried by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7), The Proselytizer Homily (Mt 10), The Stories of the Kingdom (Mt 13), The Homily on the Church (Mt 18), and The Eschatological Discourse (Mt 24-25). Besides, we will delve into Matthew’s representation of Jesus as the execution of the Old Testament, his tentative use of beginning accounts and the hitches linked with the concept of “impermeable from prophecy.”

The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7): The Sermon on the Mount is the most famous discourse of Jesus. Almsgiving is instructions on not judging others and treating them with love and forgiveness. This discourse emphasises the ethical and moral dimensions of Jesus’ teachings, presenting a higher standard of righteousness for his followers.

The Missionary Discourse (Mt 10): Jesus commissions his disciples and sends them out on a missionary journey in this discourse. He instructs them to preach, heal the sick, and drive out demons. Jesus prepares his disciples for their challenges during their ministry, warning them of potential opposition and persecution. This discourse emphasises the importance of proclaiming the Kingdom of God and the cost of discipleship.

The Parables of the Kingdom (Mt 13): Matthew 13 contains a collection of parables that Jesus used to teach profound spiritual truths. The myths, such as the parable of the sower, the wheat and the tares, and the mustard seed, illustrate the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven. Through these stories, Jesus conveys God’s kingdom’s growth, value, and hiddenness, challenging his listeners to discern spiritual truths through contemplation and openness to divine revelation.

The Discourse on the Church (Mt 18): In this discourse, Jesus addresses the nature of the Christian community and provides guidelines on how to deal with sin, reconciliation, and forgiveness within the Church. The famous teaching on resolving conflicts between believers and the concept of binding and losing highlight the responsibility of the Church to maintain unity and practice discipline with love and compassion.

The Eschatological Discourse (Mt 24-25): This discourse deals with eschatological themes, including the signs of the end times and Jesus’ second coming. Jesus foretells the temple’s destruction and warns his followers about false messiahs and prophets. He urges them to be vigilant, prepared, and faithful until his return. The parables of the ten virgins and the talents emphasise the need for readiness and faithfulness in light of future judgment.

The Gospel of Matthew: Matthew’s Understanding of Jesus as the Old Testament Fulfilled

The Gospel of Matthew emphasises Jesus fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and promises. The author strategically weaves several elements into his narrative to establish this connection:

  1. Infancy Narrative: Matthew introduces an infancy narrative (Mt 1-2) that traces Jesus’ genealogy, linking him to the line of David and Abraham. He portrays Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, born of a virgin, and declares Emmanuel, “God with us.” This narrative seeks to establish Jesus’ divine identity and his fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, as seen in references to Micah 5:2 and Isaiah 7:14.
  2. Use of Old Testament Scriptures: Throughout the Gospel, Matthew frequently cites Old Testament passages to demonstrate how Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection fulfil ancient prophecies. This includes references to the prophets, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, and Messianic Psalms, such as Psalms 22 and 110.

The Gospel of Matthew: Problems with “Proof from Prophecy”

While Matthew’s intention to show Jesus as the fulfilment of the Old Testament is evident, there are some challenges with the concept of “proof from prophecy,” as highlighted by Landry’s textbook:

Contextual Interpretation: One problem arises from the varied and sometimes vague prophecies found in the Old Testament. Out-of-context interpretations can lead to misunderstandings or claims that do not align with the original intent of the sign.

Multiple Meanings: Some prophecies may have numerous layers of meaning and could apply to various historical situations. As a result, asserting a singular fulfilment may need to be more accurate in explaining complex scriptural passages.

Editorial Adaptations: The Gospel writers, including Matthew, may have employed editorial adaptations to enhance their theological narratives. These adaptations might include recontextualising Old Testament passages to align with their portrayal of Jesus as the Messiah.

Jewish Expectations: It is crucial to recognise that ancient Jewish expectations of the Messiah were diverse, and not all prophecies were universally understood similarly. Therefore, claiming fulfilment based on Christian interpretations may not accurately reflect contemporary Jewish perspectives.

Conclusion for The Gospel of Matthew:

The Gospel of Matthew provides a comprehensive account of Jesus’ life and teachings, presenting him as fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies and promises. Through the five discourses, Jesus imparts essential instructions on ethics, discipleship, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Church, and the end times. While Matthew’s emphasis on Jesus as the fulfilment of the Old Testament is evident, the concept of “proof from prophecy” requires careful examination to avoid potential misinterpretations and misunderstandings. By delving into the richness of Matthew’s Gospel, we gain deeper insights into the significance of Jesus’ life and mission in the context of salvation history.


Aronowitz, R. (2020). I am learning to Live with the Virus. Isis, 111(4), pp.787–790. doi

Wikipedia. (2023). Five Discourses of Matthew. [online] Available at: 

The Gospel of Matthew


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