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The effect of vaccination on the human body. Quality 2023

T​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌​his should be an information report about the effect of vaccination on the human body. It is advisable to take resources from Austrian sites, if possible.

The proposed topic should follow the structure/plan indicated below.

Each topic should have one main sentence from which ​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌​the explanation will proceed.

Plan for an information report on the effect of vaccination on the human body.

Title: the effect of Vaccination on the human

Introduction: (general statement/s about your subject)

For most Vaccinations, including the recently discovered Covid 19, are mild and don’t last long. This can include pain, swelling, and redness in the region where the shot was given.

The effect of vaccination on the human body

Use bullet points and note form (not full sentences)

· Definition: Vaccination – this can be defined as the boost by vaccines that one’s immunity system is given against a particular pathogen or disease,

·  Duration of efficacy of vaccines

·This report on the effect of vaccination on the human body will outline the following:

1. The history

2. The effects on the body

3. The advantages and disadvantages

4. The social and cultural problems of vaccination

1. Topic 1: History of vaccinations- The effect of vaccination on the human body

Some sources suggest that during 200 BCE, the first attempt to prevent some illnesses, specifically smallpox was exposure through a [process called variolation.

Topic sentence: (A sentence leading into this first topic content)

1.1. The invention of vaccines (year, where, who, country etc.?)

1.2. Historical development of vaccines 

Type of vaccines (time-line)

·  1701- Smallpox Vaccine by Edward Jenner

  • 1880 – Cholera Vaccine by  Louis Pasteur
  • 1885 – Rabies Vaccine by Louis Pasteur and Émile Roux
  • 1890- Tetanus (serum antitoxin) by  Emil von Behring     
2. Topic 2: effects on the body

(Effect on the body depends of the immune system)

2.1  Definition: Immune system is…

2.2  Mechanism of action of vaccines on the Immune Systems (the way the mechanism works is)

2.3  The effects

·         Example

·         Example

·         Example

3. Topic 3: Advantages of vaccinations
Topic sentence: A sentence leading into this third topic content


· Protects the vaccinated individual from diseases.

·Protects close family members and friends l from diseases (point 1).

· Reduction in the spread of the disease.

4. Topic 4: Disadvantages of vaccinations; The effect of vaccination on the human body
Topic sentence: A sentence leading into this fourth topic content

4.1. Disadvantages

·Adverse reactions, for instance, redness and soreness.

· Some may subject the vaccinated individual to seizures

· Lastly, the neurologic condition Guillian-Barre

5. Topic 5: Social and cultural problems of vaccination; The effect of vaccination on the human body
Topic sentence: A sentence leading into this fifth topic content

5.1. Lack of knowledge and misunderstanding (Some people think that there is no need to vaccinate because there is no disease, but people don’t get sick because they are vaccinated. If we stop vaccinating, the diseases that existed before we started protecting ourselves with vaccines will return to us)

5.2. Religious Reasons (Why people do not vaccinate because of religion)-some people are too clinging to religion and believe vaccination is evil.

Conclusion: Recommendations on The effect of vaccination on the human body

Despite having a few disadvantages, vaccination is good for the human body as it helps reduce the chances of disease widespread among the community. Therefore, based on evidence, people should do vaccination to prevent pandemics.

The effect of vaccination on the human body

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