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This paper analyzes the abuse of power and corruption in leadership. The abuse of power or authority in the cause of a person’s duty may occur in different leadership positions. The effects can be damaging to the working relationships and morale. The abuse of power can take various forms such as bullying and harassment. It affects the performance of official duties. Leaders who exploit abusive power and control are often the same people that exploit the ability to use corruption to their own advantage. The abuse of power usually results in the impeachment of officials when discovered.
power abuse and corruption in leadership


The abuse of power or authority may be the major source of moral evil. It begins when a person declines to accept his responsibility for other people’s welfare and instead apply abusive power and control. They may use their power to harm or exploit those who are under them. They may use such means to obtain strength, more power, or even wealth and in turn involve corruption in leadership. At times impeachment may occur in well-developed governmental structures. The values and principles of a society may enable people to recognize the abuse of power when it occurs. The most convenient way of preventing the abuse of power is to defend, advocate for, and act upon egalitarian principles and values.
abuse of power or authority


Corruption in leadership may differ in different countries but the root causes are similar. The more the regulation and limitation of economic activities in a country the more the authority and power vested into officials hence a higher possibility of corruption. The lack of laws and professional ethics that regulate corruption as a criminal offense may lead to an increase in abusive power and control. The abuse of power may have also been part of a society’s folklore tradition hence making the eradication of corruption a difficult task. Lastly, extensive corruption may lead to wasted taxpayer funds and major loss of goods and services.
 common causes of corruption in leadership

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