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Telehealth in Mental Health Care. best 2023

Telehealth in Mental Health Care: Addressing Challenges and Maximizing Opportunities

Telehealth in Mental Health Care

Particularly in difficult situations like the one illustrated in this example, telehealth in mental health care services has proven to be a beneficial tool. In the context of a telehealth videoconference with Jarrett, a 16-year-old client with major depressive illness, this essay seeks to investigate how course material was used. It will go over the advantages and disadvantages of telehealth for this client, the best technology to use, how to set up your workspace, how to get consent, how to evaluate the effect of socioeconomic determinants of health, and how to create a safety plan. All of the discussion will be informed by the incorporation of data from scholarly sources.

Telehealth in Mental Health Care: Application of Course Knowledge

Benefits and Drawbacks of Telehealth for the Client:


Accessibility and Convenience: Jarrett can easily use telehealth to get access to mental health care without having to go to a physical clinic. Those who live in rural locations or have few transit options, like Jarrett in his inexpensive housing complex, may find this to be of particular use.

Increased Comfort and Confidentiality: As a young person suffering with mental health issues, Jarrett might feel more at ease talking about his feelings and worries in the comfort of his home. As a result, there may be more open communication as a result of the sense of security and confidentiality fostered.


Limitations of technology: Technical problems like a bad internet connection or a broken smartphone can interfere with therapy and make it difficult for Jarrett and the mental health practitioner to communicate clearly.

Limited Nonverbal Cues: Due to possible limitations in nonverbal cue observation due to telehealth, it may be difficult to precisely determine Jarrett’s emotional state. The Telehealth in Mental Health Care  professional’s capacity to offer thorough support may be hampered by this restriction.

Telehealth in Mental Health Care; Setting up the Workspace:

For the Telehealth in Mental Health Care  visit, the mental health professional should set up a quiet, private, and well-lit workspace. A room with minimal distractions, where confidential discussions can take place, is ideal. The workspace should be free from any personal items that could compromise privacy, such as family photos or personal documents. Additionally, ensuring that the background is neutral and non-distracting helps maintain focus during the session.

Recommended Technology and Support for Jarrett:

Given Jarrett’s access to text, phone, and videoconferencing on his smartphone, videoconferencing would be the most appropriate technology for the visit. Videoconferencing allows for visual and auditory cues, enhancing communication and assessment. To support Jarrett in preparing for the visit, clear instructions should be provided, including guidelines on accessing the videoconferencing platform and ensuring a stable internet connection. Technical support should also be available in case any issues arise.

Telehealth in Mental Health Care; Obtaining Consent:

Informed consent is a crucial aspect of Telehealth in Mental Health Care  sessions. The mental health professional must obtain consent from Jarrett, as well as his legal guardians—his mother and stepfather. Prior to the visit, they should receive information about the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of telehealth services. Any questions or concerns they have should be addressed to ensure they fully understand and consent to the treatment.

Telehealth in Mental Health Care; Assessing Social Determinants of Health Impact:

The mental health professional should conduct a comprehensive assessment of the impact of social determinants of health on Jarrett’s treatment plan. This involves understanding factors such as the affordable housing conditions, family dynamics, access to resources, and community support. These determinants can significantly influence Jarrett’s mental health and should be considered while formulating a treatment plan that is both culturally sensitive and contextually appropriate.

f. Designing a Safety Plan for Jarrett:

Given Jarrett’s history of suicidal threats and for his own protection, a safety plan is essential. the following parties, among others, should participate in the plan:

Families within the immediate family should be encouraged to communicate openly in order to keep everyone informed and able to offer support.
Create an open channel of communication between Jarrett and the mental health professional to enable quick action in emergency situations.
Make sure Jarrett has access to emergency contact details and protocols so he can use them if he ever feels endangered or overburdened.
Find Jarrett a support system of friends, mentors, and neighbors who will be there for him when he needs them.

  1. Integration of Evidence:

Telehealth for mental health services has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. According to a study by Bucci et al. (2021), telehealth interventions have demonstrated comparable effectiveness to in-person interventions for a range of mental health conditions. The study emphasizes that telehealth offers advantages in terms of accessibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, which align with the benefits discussed earlier.

Another relevant study by De Las Cuevas et al. (2020) highlights the importance of informed consent in telehealth settings. It emphasizes that obtaining consent should be an ongoing process, involving comprehensive discussions about privacy, security, and potential risks associated with telehealth services.

  1. Reference Citation:

Bucci, S., Schwannauer, M., Berry, N., & Berry, K. (2021). The digital revolution and its impact on mental health care. Psychological Medicine, 51(6), 861-866. doi:10.1017/S0033291721000063

De Las Cuevas, C., Arredondo, M. T., Cabrera, M. F., & Sulzenbacher, H. (2020). Ethical considerations on the use of telepsychiatry during COVID-19 and beyond. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 552720. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.552720

References for Telehealth in Mental Health Care

Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare: This peer-reviewed journal publishes research articles and case studies on telemedicine and telehealth, including applications in mental health care. You can access their articles through their website:

American Psychiatric Association: Telepsychiatry Toolkit – This toolkit provides resources, guidelines, and best practices for telepsychiatry in mental health care. It includes information on clinical considerations, technology requirements, legal and ethical considerations, and more. You can access it here: Telepsychiatry Toolkit

American Psychological Association (APA): Telepsychology Resources – The APA provides a comprehensive list of resources related to telepsychology, including guidelines, articles, and research studies. It covers topics such as teleassessment, teletherapy, teleconsultation, and more. You can access the resources here: APA Telepsychology Resources 

American Psychiatric Association (APA): The APA provides resources and guidelines for telepsychiatry and telehealth services in mental health care. Their website offers articles, publications, and webinars on telepsychiatry. Visit their Telepsychiatry Toolkit:    

Telehealth in Mental Health Care

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