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Team building in nursing requires various strategies such as recognizing team efforts. Primarily, strong teamwork is important to facilitate effective holistic nursing care. Nursing standards today focus on providing holistic care. This means that nurses consider the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of the patients. Moreover, nurses need to work well with each other as well as other healthcare professionals such as physicians, therapists, and social workers. They develop teamwork skills through practice, experience, higher education, and nursing team exercises. Additionally, teamwork is a result of sharing the sense of responsibility and accountability for patient safety and patient care.

Read more on team building in nursing and recognizing team efforts at;


Boosting trust within a team plays a key role in team building in nursing. Fundamentally, a good way to boost trust is by helping the members to get to know each other, their lives, and their experiences. Furthermore, it is important to establish and reinforce team goals to offer holistic nursing care. The knowledge of common goals is essential for a nursing team to work effectively. Similarly, recognizing team efforts helps to motivate nurses to work together to provide quality service.

Read more on strategies for team building in nursing at;


Recognizing team efforts helps to increase engagement. Resultantly, this leads to greater fulfilment, better performance, and happiness. It is crucial for team building in nursing as it enables nursing teams to be more productive. This is because the recognition of efforts enables individual team members to work harder. Therefore, it enables nurses to provide quality services and holistic nursing care. Recognizing team efforts also boosts the level of morale. A team with high morale is likely to have higher satisfaction and commitment. Additionally, team members can work better without feeling constant pressure or monitoring.

Read more on the importance of recognizing team efforts at;

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