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The Taiwan Strait situation and arms sale to Taiwan by the U.S. continues to elicit strong reactions from China. Tensions between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (ROC) resulted in armed conflict. This was over strategic islands in the Taiwan Strait. China wants.  The importance of the islands in the Taiwan Strait was rooted in their geographic proximity to China and Taiwan. The unification of Taiwan to take place so that they can benefit from Taiwan’s strategic position. The Nationalist Government of the ROC under Chiang Kai-shek recognized lost control of mainland China. This was during the Chinese Civil War. The officials and part of the Nationalist Army fled to the island of Taiwan. Taiwan Strait situation and arms sale to Taiwan shows that the U.S. is committed to ensuring Taiwan maintains its sovereignty

more information on the Taiwan Strait situation


The arms sale to Taiwan by the U.S. is being supported by several international bodies as this will help Taiwan to protect itself from future threats. The United States has agreed to sell $2 billion in weapons to Taiwan, a move that’s consistent with U.S. obligations to the island and yet will still complicate ties with China. The Chinese talk about the unification of Taiwan poses a threat to Taiwan, and the arms sale will ensure Taiwan is ready to combat such threats. The U.S. weighs not only Taiwan’s defense capabilities and the cross-strait military balance of power but the political context in which those sales occur. Lastly, Taiwan Strait situation and arms sale to Taiwan are some of the issues facing China’s foreign relations with the U.S.

more information on the arms sale to Taiwan and the role of the U.S. in Taiwan weapons sale


The crafting of Beijing “one country, two systems” formula (1C2S) for the unification of Taiwan in the early 1980s, therefore, thought the moment was ideal for securing the capitulation of Taiwan’s leaders. China’s leaders knew that their Taiwan counterparts, leaders of the Nationalist/Kuomintang party (KMT), were Chinese nationalists who had moved to the island in 1949 and that they favored ultimate unification. The U.S. was ready to conduct an arms sale to Taiwan to ensure they remained independent. The KMT would have to give up its belief in the Republic of China. It had controlled since 1928, and become a part of the People’s Republic of China. KMT leaders rejected Beijing’s offer and soon changed the game. Finally, the Taiwan Strait situation and arms sale to Taiwan continue to complicate the relationship between the U.S. and China.

more information on the unification of Taiwan and the Chinese connection

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