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Strategies for effective management such as the empowerment of employees enable an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Management strategies are a series of strategies that an organization uses to control and direct its activities. They include leadership, goal setting, business administration, and operational activities. Furthermore, an organization can only achieve top performance if it has a clear strategy in place, which it implements throughout the whole of the company. Contrarily, employee empowerment refers to the process of giving employees in an organization responsibility, authority, power, resources and the freedom to make decisions. Moreover, it focuses on employees making use of their full potential.

Read more on strategies for effective management and empowerment of employees at;


The strategies for effective management focus on improving the performance and efficiency of organizational activities. Therefore, managers need to give the employees of an organization a big picture of how their responsibilities and duties make an impact however large or small. This enables them to realize the importance of the project and the influence of their activities. Additionally, the empowerment of employees creates higher engagement. It enables employees to have more control of their work.

Read more on the strategies for effective management to achieve high performance at;


Fundamentally, the empowerment of employees improves the quality of work that employees produce. Moreover, it brings a conducive and congenial atmosphere in an organization to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Employee empowerment also helps an organization to motivate its workforce. Through a culture of openness and trust, it establishes healthy relationships between supervisors and employees of an organization. Employee empowerment forms part of the strategies for effective management to help employees accept change within an organization. It satiates the need of workers for recognition, responsibility, challenging work, and status.

Read more on the importance of empowerment of employees at;

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