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Story Problems in Mathematics. quality 2023

Mastering Story Problems in Mathematics: A Step-by-Step Approach

Story Problems in Mathematics

This essay will outline a step-by-step strategy for mastering story problems in Mathematics and provide practical instructions for preparing for a test. Story or word problems are a fundamental part of mathematics education. They are critical in logical thinking, developing problem-solving skills, and mathematical understanding. Many students find story problems challenging due to their diverse formats and the need to translate real-world situations into mathematical equations. To succeed in tackling story problems in Mathematics, students need a structured approach and ample practice.

Step 1: Read the “Read This First” File

“Read This First Carefully” should be the first step in preparing for the story problem in Mathematics tests while reading the file. This document will likely contain essential instructions, tips, and guidelines for approaching story problems. It may provide insights into common mistakes to avoid, strategies to employ, and a breakdown of different types of story problems that could be encountered on the test. Skipping this step would be a mistake, as it lays the foundation for success in subsequent steps.

Step 2: Open the “Systems of Equations with Answers” File

The second step involves opening the file titled “Systems of Equations with Answers.” This file likely contains a set of story problems related to systems of equations, a crucial topic in algebra. Solving systems of equations involves finding values for multiple unknown variables that satisfy all the given equations simultaneously. Since many story problems in Mathematics can be modeled using systems of equations, mastering this topic is essential for excelling in story problem-solving.

Step 3: Solve ALL Story Problems

Once the “Systems of Equations with Answers” file is open, students should go through each story problem provided and attempt to solve them. This step requires the students to treat it as a practice test, emulating test conditions to assess their problem-solving abilities under time constraints. After attempting each problem, they should check their answers against the key provided in the file. This self-assessment will help identify areas of strength and weakness and provide valuable feedback on their performance.

Step 4: Choose a Correctly Solved Problem to Demonstrate

In Step 4, students should select one story problem they have correctly solved, and any of their classmates still needs to answer that. They will then validate the solution for the chosen problem to the rest of the class. This step nurtures peer learning and helps merge their understanding of the selected problem’s solution. Students improve their communication and presentation skills by presenting their solutions, valued in academic and professional settings.

Step 5: Study Classmates’ Solutions

After presenting their solution, students should actively engage with their classmates’ solutions to the problems they missed. This step allows them to learn from others’ approaches and gain exposure to different problem-solving strategies. They should remember that the issues discussed in this step might appear on the test, making this phase a vital part of their preparation.

Demonstrating a Problem: “Jarod and the Bunnies” (#10 Jarod and the Bunnies)

We will now look at the sample problem to demonstrate our understanding. The problem is as follows:

“Jarod has a certain number of bunnies. He gives half of them to his friend, Sam, and then receives ten more bunnies from another friend, Lily. As a result, Jarod now has 30 bunnies. How many bunnies did Jarod have initially?”


  1. Suppose Jarod’s initial number of bunnies was ‘x.’
  2. Jarod gives half of them to Sam, which is x/2.
  3. After giving away half of his bunnies, Jarod has x – x/2 bunnies remaining.
  4. Then, he receives ten more bunnies from Lily, resulting in x – x/2 + 10 bunnies.
  5. The final count of bunnies is 30, so we can set up an equation:

   x – x/2 + 10 = 30

Finding the value of ‘x’:

  1. Eliminate the fraction by multiplying the equation by 2:

2(x – x/2) + 2(10) = 2(30)

  1. Simplify the equation:

2x – x + 20 = 60

  1. Combine like terms:

x + 20 = 60

  1. To isolate ‘x,’ we will subtract both sides of the equations with 20

x = 60 – 20

x = 40

Therefore, Jarod initially had 40 bunnies.

In conclusion, solving story problems in Mathematics effectively requires a systematic approach, practice, and peer engagement. Following the steps outlined in this essay, students can enhance their problem-solving skills and gain confidence in tackling various story problems. Remember, the key to success is obtaining the correct answer and understanding the underlying concepts and reasoning behind each solution. Mastering story problems in Mathematics becomes achievable with sufficient preparation and practice, and students can excel in their upcoming tests and beyond.


Bluman, A. (2011). Math Word Problems Demystified 2/E. 2nd edition ed. [online] Amazon. McGraw Hill. Available at: 

Khan Academy. (n.d.). Systems of equations word problems | Algebra 1 (practice). [online] Available at:

Math Playground (2019). Math Games | Give Your Brain A Workout! [online] Available at:

Story Problems in Mathematics

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