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In the current society, social problem analysis helps in solving and reducing suicide among teenagers. A social problem is a problem that influences a large number of individuals in society. Consequently, its factors can extend beyond an individual into society. However, it can rise form conflicting opinions on what is morally acceptable. Suicide among teenagers and young adults is the second leading cause of death following accidents. On average, adolescents aged 15 to 19 years have an annual suicide rate of about 1 in 10,000 people. Additionally, teenage is a period in life that is often confusing hence teens feel isolated from family or peers.

Read more on social problem analysis for suicide among teenagers at;


Social problem analysis has the following steps. First, reading the case thoroughly to understand what is happening. Additionally, this involves identification of the most important problem and separate them from trivial issues for instance suicide among teenagers. Second, identification of the goals and any constraints to the problem. It, therefore, involves highlighting the problem more and the definition of anything that may limit the solution. Third, identification of all possible alternatives that could solve the problem and evaluation of each of the alternatives therefore coming up with the best alternative. Lastly, the development of a plan to effectively implement the decision. For instance a plan to reduce the annual suicide rate which helps curb suicide cases.

Read more on the steps in social problem analysis at;


Suicide among teenagers is mainly a result of mental illness. The annual suicide rate is on the rise due to depression, impulsivity, and substance use. Besides, increased use of alcohol and drugs among teenagers is a warning sign of elevated suicide risk. Consequently, serious life stresses like sexual abuse, loss, family disruptions, social isolation, and physical illness can bring about suicidal thoughts and behavior.  Nevertheless, teenagers who experience a stressful life event may feel intense sadness or loss, anxiety, anger, or hopelessness, and may occasionally have the thought that they would be better off dead. Therefore, social problem analysis is essential to helps teenagers who experience stress in their lives.

Read more on the causes of suicide among teenagers at;

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