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This paper analyzes social media marketing and marketing information system. Social media marketing is a powerful way for businesses to reach their customers. Also, it brings remarkable success to a business. Also, it creates devotes brand advocates and drives leads and sales. With the increased use of computers, companies are not only interests in the development of a co-operate system but also a marketing information system. This system, therefore, brings all company records of the company into a unified whole. Thereby it improves the managers’ capacity to plan and control company activities.
social media marketing and marketing information systems


The marketing information system is important for organizations in the following ways. First, the anticipation of consumers’ demand. Under a market-oriented approach, marketers keep an up to date knowledge on consumer needs and want. Second, the complexity of the market whereby the system not only provides adequate market intelligence but also an organized information system for the ever-expanding markets. Third, the significance of competition. Marketing intelligence consequently helps to predict the behavior of competitors. Also, it enables a marketer to overtake their competitors using advanced marketing methods like social media marketing. Lastly, the system provides marketers with information on technological developments. Therefore, this information allows companies to plan and control their activities.
the importance of marketing information systems


Businesses require marketing to increase their profits. Social media marketing, therefore, need the following strategies for effectiveness. First, the use of brand advocates who focus on finding new customers for the products. A company can use its employees as advocates. However, they need to have some skills in how to market the products. Second, the creation of an efficient content marketing strategy that helps to bring the right customers at the right time.  Third, the establishment of a social media budget with the right strategy not only reduces the cost but also reaches the target audience therefore companies can effectively plan and control their finances. Lastly, companies should jazz up their profiles with diverse content from the marketing information system which catches the audience’s eyes.
 strategies to effective social media marketing

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