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This paper analyzes slavery in America and modern-day slavery. Slavery in America dates back to ancient times. It is a part of the economic structure of American society for many centuries. The forms of slavery in entails human enchanted enslavement of African Americans and Africans until 1865. This practice was rendered legal in all the thirteen. Under the law, an enslaved person is treated as property and can be bought, sold, or given away. Modern slavery is the severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain. From the outside, it can look like a normal job. But people are being controlled they face violence, threats, or forced into inescapable debt.
 slavery in America and modern-day slavery


Slavery in America greatly affects the African American community. The enslaved people could not legally marry in any state and they were property or commodity hence not allowed to enter any legal contract like marriage. The men mostly worked on farms and only had two days to see their families. Labor for an owner took precedence over their personal needs. They worked from early morning to late evenings. Therefore, this gave them a hard time in taking care of their families. This practice also brought about family separation through the sale and constant threats which is still in modern-day slavery. The slaves worked far from their families which forced them to stay at their places of work. These forms of slavery however have reduced in the past due to the amendment of the laws.
 effects of slavery in America on African Americans


Modern-day slavery takes the following forms. Sex trafficking whereby, adults engage in commercial sex acts as a result of force, threats, or fraud. This form has other minor types of slavery within it like child sex trafficking which involves forcing underage children to commercial sex. Forced labor or labor trafficking involves the use of force or physical threats to compel someone to work. This is an ancient form of slavery in America that is still practiced. Lastly, it involves domestic servitude, debt bondage, forced child labor, and unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers.
 forms of modern-day slavery in the world

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