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This research paper provides a research guide on research design and methods. Research designs are plans for answering research questions after gathering research data. Research methods are the strategies used to implement the plan. Scholars use different approaches when choosing a research method, depending on their research objectives. Common methods of collecting research data include surveys, observation, interviews, experiments, and secondary data analysis. One can choose quantitative or qualitative research methods, depending on the type of data they intend to collect. Researchers must consider the time taken for research and balance between strengths and weaknesses associated with each method to successfully achieve research objectives.
Read more of the research methods guide on research design and methods at 


There are several aspects to consider before choosing a research method. Scholars wishing to collect quantitative data consider measuring variables, verifying the existing theories, and questioning them. The data collected helps to generate new hypotheses. For people who trust numbers, quantitative methods are better than qualitative research methods, which are better for those wishing to understand experiences, ideas, beliefs and values, and other intangibles. An example is studying the preferred learning styles and approaches. Researchers can also combine different research designs and methods to back up one set of findings from one method of data collection underpinned by one methodology. This is in cases where there are both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the subject matter.
Read more of choosing appropriate research methodologies at 


There are many sources for quantitative and qualitative research data. Qualitative research methods tend to rely more on interviews, focus groups, and written accounts of past events. Common sources for quantitative data include surveys, observations, and secondary sources, such as company files. One must choose the best sources, depending on the adopted research design and method. For example, observations and measuring are more helpful in translating the data into numbers and statistics for analysis. Observation can also be beneficial in collecting qualitative data, for example, by assessing conditions of a place of focus. Choosing a research method is a crucial step because it determines the nature of data and whether it will be enough to complete research objectives.
Read more of the sources of quantitative and qualitative research data at 

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