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There are several reasons for cultural imperialism, and they are contributing to the modern colonial methods. Cultural imperialism became one of the primary instruments of colonization. Colonization relied on military intervention for success. However, its full effects took place through practices of cultural imperialism. European imperialism legacy led to the speaking of European languages by the colonized countries in the end. The Europeans believed that they were superior compared to anyone. This prompted them to use military force to conquer countries and they easily won thanks to their superior weapons. The reasons for cultural imperialism in the nineteenth century and modern colonial methods are similar.

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European imperialism legacy resulted in the conquered countries adopting some of the European ways of life. Different cultures adopted European languages as well as European sports. Although the age of formal imperialism was relatively short, the impact of Europe in the broader world was immense. The reasons for cultural imperialism were to stamp authority and change the ways of the colonies. Its territories deeply influenced by European society and culture. This process of interaction between metropole and the wider world continued after independence. The reasons for cultural imperialism were to show superiority, and this still exists through modern colonial methods.

For more information on European imperialism legacy and its global impact, click


Asian and European countries have come up with modern colonial methods to take over various countries. The plans aim, especially in third world countries. Cultural imperialism has taken both ‘traditional’ and modern forms. Dominations are one of the reasons for cultural imperialism, and modern colonial methods aim to continue the domination. The roles include inculcating native peoples with ideas of submission and loyalty in the name of divine principles. While these ‘traditional’ mechanisms of cultural imperialism still operate, new modern instrumentalities rooted in contemporary institutions have become increasingly central to imperial domination. Lastly, European imperialism legacy aims to use cultural imperialism to soften the rule of countries.

For more information on the modern colonial methods and its impacts across the world, click

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