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To improve the quality of education, learning institutions may use various methods such as practicing problem-based learning. Moreover, increasing graduation rates and the levels of educational attainment does not accomplish. This is because the students do not learn something of lasting value. Additionally, policymakers that focus so much on graduation rates and attainment levels ignore the danger signs that the number of students learning in college decreases every year. While several learning institutions seem to make serious efforts to improve the quality of teaching, others are quite content with their existing programs. However, this is despite recognizing the problems that affect education. These problems include grade inflation and the decline in the rigor of academic standards.

Read more on quality of education and problem based learning at;


Several learning institutions practice a range of teaching methods to improve the quality of education in the modern world. Personalized learning is a method where educators seek to address the challenges, lessons, and instructional styles to support the needs of each student. Furthermore, it is more advantageous at higher levels of education for great success. Additionally, problem-based learning is a practice that provides students with hands-on real-life problems and practices to encourage them to think outside the box. Resultantly, it makes the learning experience interesting.

Read more on teaching methods to improve the quality of education at;


Primarily, problem-based learning promotes deep learning. Moreover, it replaces traditional lectures with facultative mentoring, discussions, real-life experiences, and assistive learning. Consequently, this improves the quality of education. Also, this learning practice develops retention of knowledge in the long term as sharing of facts and ideas during discussion enhances subsequent retrieval. Additionally, several learning institutions use problem-based learning to provide students with an opportunity to apply their skills in the real world. This makes the learning experience more durable and profound. Furthermore, it improves teamwork and interpersonal skills as it focuses on communication and interaction through discussions.

Read more on the advantages of problem-based learning at;

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