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This paper analyzes the ozone layer depletion and the effects of global warming, global warming’s main cause is the release of excess carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the burning of oil, natural gas, and coal. The carbon dioxide spreads over the atmosphere which absorbs infrared radiation causing excessive heat. Ozone layer depletion occurs when humans release chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. The ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet radiation which is harmful to human beings, animals, and plants. Daily human activities cause both global warming and ozone depletion which release pollutants into the atmosphere.
ozone layer depletion and causes of global warming


Chlorofluorocarbons released into the atmosphere by daily human activities are very stable compounds that are the major cause of ozone layer depletion. Other chemicals cannot break them down. Sunlight breaks them down to produce chlorine which reacts with ozone hence depleting the ozone layer. The increase of ultraviolet rays has a similar effect to the effects of global warming as it destroys human life, animals, and plants. Ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer, cataracts, sunburns, quick aging, and weakening of the immune system. They also cause skin and eye cancer on animals. Ultraviolet radiation also degrades other materials like wood, plastic, rubber, and plastic.
 impacts of ozone layer depletion


The daily human activities that cause the buildup of carbon dioxide by the release of pollutants into the atmosphere are the major contributors to the effects of global warming. One effect of global warming is the increase in temperatures that cause severe changes in weather. It causes floods, drought, and storms. Just like due to ozone layer depletion, it also causes the extinction of wildlife due to the climate changes. It also causes high acidity in the oceans that leads to the death of marine life. High temperatures also cause the melting of ice which leads to the rise of the sea level. Severe weather changes such as drought and floods destroy farming activities causing a food shortage.
 effects of global warming on the earth

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