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This paper looks at organizational leadership skills and effective decision making. Effective decision making in organizational leadership influences activities like growth and effectiveness, creativity, success, and goal accomplishment of an organization. Managerial roles and decisions are a result of effective decision making and organizational leadership skills. The needs of an organization and the people led make leadership a complicated and challenging task. Leadership, therefore, takes a variety of forms and requires skills to meet these needs. Skilled leaders feel more confident in their ability to make good and informed decisions.
organizational leadership and effective decision making


Organizational leadership skills are important in the following ways. They help to maximize efficiency and enable the organization to achieve its goals. Leadership skills are an essential component in the achievement of managerial roles and decisions. These skills also influence the drive of the members to put in more effort to the accomplishment of goals. Leadership skills enable a leader to have an open and engaging conversation with the members and this makes them feel valued in the organization. In moments of crisis, the skill of effective decision making helps leaders to develop ways of achieving their desired goals through setting up short term achievements.
 importance of organizational leadership skills


Effective decision making has seven steps. Identifying the decision where a leader defines the nature of the decision. Gathering relevant information before making the decision is the next step. This includes both internal and external information. Internal information is seeker through self-assessment which is one of the organizational leadership skills. The identification of alternative solutions is by the preparation of a list of all possible alternatives.  These alternatives are then weighted depending on the evidence gathered. The best alternative is chosen after careful analysis of all the alternatives. Taking action is the next step and it involves the implementation of the chosen alternative. Lastly, the leader reviews the decision to check if it solved the problem and check for its consequences. All managerial roles and decisions require effective decision making.
 steps to effective decision making

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