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The use of online learning systems enables higher attendance of students. Primarily, these are systems that enable students to learn in a fully virtual environment. Furthermore, it enables students from different geographical areas to engage in academic institutions at their own pace, while working towards a degree or certificate. It connects students from different backgrounds who have different perspectives. However, online learning has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these merits and demerits helps academic institutions to create effective strategies to deliver lessons. Resultantly, these enable the learning process to proceed without interruptions.

Read more on online learning systems and attendance of students at;


Fundamentally, online learning systems offer teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to their students. Moreover, they have various tools such as podcasts and videos that teachers can use as part of their lesson plans to enhance the learning process. Online learning enables students to attend classes from any location. Consequently, schools can reach out to more extensive networks of students regardless of their geographical regions. Because students can attend online classes from any location of their choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on their lessons. This improves the attendance of students. Additionally, online learning eliminates the costs of transportation and accommodation hence reducing the financial cost of education.

Read more on the advantages of online learning systems at;


Primarily, academic institutions should have attendance review teams that monitor the attendance of students. Furthermore, these teams research the needs of students to identify the reason for their chronic absence. They also provide strategic interventions to address these needs and improve attendance to enhance the learning process. Moreover, academic institutions should build positive school culture. This enables the students to invest more in their learning. Incorporating online learning systems may help to increase the excitement of students about attending lessons. Additionally, they should also provide individual education plans to address the educational, social, and behavioral needs of students.

Read more on the methods of improving the attendance of students at;

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