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This paper analyzes the methods of employee selection and sources of recruitment. Recruitment is the process of identifying the need for a job position, defining its requirements, advertising, and finding the right person to occupy the position. Recruitment techniques have been changing over the years.  This process is carried out by the management of an organization. The quality of recruited staff directly affects the success of the business. Employees with the right skills add value to a business. Thus, the selection, management, and retention of employees are crucial like any other resource in a business or organization.
 methods of employee selection and sources of recruitment


Assessing the cognitive ability of a person is one of the methods of employee selection. It evaluates a person’s range of mental processes such as the problem-solving and learning ability. Regardless of the sources of recruitment of an individual, it is important to evaluate the learning agility of the person in the recruitment process. Learning agility is the ability to figure out a way of handling a new situation especially in a new environment. The measure of the integrity of candidates also helps to boost the quality of recruited staff. Lastly, a test assignments or work sample tests assist in understanding the skills that the candidates offer.
simple method of employee selection


Before applying the methods of employee selection, it is important to consider the sources of recruitment where suitable candidates are accessible. Internal sources of recruitment are promotions, retirements, transfers, former employees, and internal advertisements. Employees who work hard receive promotions to more demanding jobs with better pay and more responsibility. Retired employees can also offer an extension of their services in case suitable candidates are unavailable. External advertisements reach a wide variety of people which promotes the quality of recruited staff as they have a lot of options to choose from. External sources of recruitment include press advertising, campus interviews, placement agencies, walk-in interviews, and employee exchange. Lastly, they enable new talents to get an opportunity.
internal and external sources of recruitment

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