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Medication Administration Safety. best 2023

Improving Medication Administration Safety in a Hospital Setting

Medication Administration Safety

One difficult aspect of healthcare delivery is medication administration safety, as errors in this process can lead to adverse patient outcomes. Patient safety and quality care are paramount in any healthcare organisation. This essay identifies a quality improvement opportunity for medication administration safety in a hospital setting. The problem is medication errors during administration, and the proposed solution is a comprehensive quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. This initiative aims to reduce medication administration errors, improve patient safety, and enhance overall quality of care.

Medication Administration Safety: Problem Overview and Setting

Medication administration errors are prevalent in healthcare settings, posing significant risks to patient safety and well-being. In a busy hospital environment, where healthcare professionals are repeatedly stretched thin, and multitasking is common, errors can easily occur during medication administration. These errors can result from miscommunication, inadequate training, distractions, and system weaknesses. Such errors can lead to prolonged hospital stays, adverse drug reactions, and even fatalities.

This problem occurs in all hospital units, including surgical, critical care, and outpatient clinics. The potential for errors is particularly high during shift changes and handoffs when vital information is not adequately communicated. Therefore, a quality improvement initiative that addresses medication administration errors across all units and shifts is crucial to ensure patient safety.

Medication Administration Safety: Need for a Quality Improvement Initiative

A quality improvement initiative is urgently needed to address the issue of medication administration errors and enhance patient safety. The expected outcome of this initiative is a significant reduction in medication errors, leading to improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and enhanced overall quality of care. By implementing evidence-based strategies, healthcare organisations can streamline the medication administration process, improve communication among healthcare professionals, and minimise the occurrence of errors.

Medication Administration Safety: Evidence from Previous Research

Numerous research studies have highlighted the significance of medication administration errors and the potential impact of quality improvement initiatives. According to a survey by Keers et al. (2018), medication administration errors are a leading cause of preventable harm in healthcare settings. Furthermore, a study by Pape et al. (2019) demonstrated that implementing barcode scanning systems during medication administration significantly reduced error rates. Additionally, a systematic review by Simpson et al. (2017) indicated that standardised protocols, double-checking procedures, and interdisciplinary teamwork effectively minimise medication errors.

Medication Administration Safety: Implementation Steps

A multifaceted quality improvement initiative will be implemented to address the medication administration error issue. This initiative will include the following steps:

  1. Training and Education: All healthcare professionals involved in medication administration will receive comprehensive training on proper medication administration techniques, error prevention strategies, and effective communication.
  2. Barcode Scanning System: A barcode scanning system will be introduced to guarantee accurate patient identification and medication matching. This technology has significantly reduced medication errors (Pape et al., 2019).
  3. Standardized Protocols: Standardized protocols for medication administration will be developed and communicated across all units. These protocols will include clear guidelines on dosage calculations, medication interactions, and potential side effects.
  4. Double-Checking Procedures: A double-checking procedure will be implemented for high-risk medications, involving a second healthcare professional to verify the accuracy of medication administration.
  5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Improved collaboration and communication among healthcare professionals, including nurses, pharmacists, and physicians, will be emphasised to ensure comprehensive patient care.
Medication Administration Safety: Evaluation of the Initiative

A comprehensive evaluation plan will be implemented to determine the success of the quality improvement initiative. The variables to be evaluated include medication error rates, patient satisfaction, and adverse drug events. The hypothesis is that the quality improvement initiative will lead to a statistically significant reduction in medication errors and improved patient satisfaction.

The statistical test that will be employed is the chi-squared test, which will assess the association between implementing the quality improvement initiative and reducing medication errors. The data collected on medication errors before and after the industry will be compared, and any significant differences will be analysed using this test.

Conclusion to Medication Administration Safety:

Medication administration errors significantly threaten patient safety and overall healthcare quality. A comprehensive quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice is essential to address this issue. By implementing a multifaceted approach that includes training, technology, standardised protocols, and interdisciplinary collaboration, healthcare organisations can significantly reduce medication errors and enhance patient outcomes. The initiative’s success will be evaluated using appropriate statistical tests, ensuring that evidence-based strategies continue to drive improvements in patient care and safety. Through such initiatives, healthcare organisations can uphold their commitment to delivering high-quality, safe, and effective patient care.


Critchley, S. (2015). Improving Medication Administration Safety in a Community Hospital Setting Using Lean Methodology. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 30(4), pp.345–351. doi:

Hughes, R.G. and Blegen, M.A. (2019). Medication administration safety. [online] Available at:

Khalil, H., Kynoch, K. and Hines, S. (2020). Interventions to ensure medication safety in acute care. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, Publish Ahead of Print(2). doi:

Medication Administration Safety

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