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Declining Media freedom rights for Honduran media journalists are an issue facing the Honduran people for some time now. With political turmoil and protests following the 2017 re-election of President Juan Orlando, the situation has just gotten worse. Journalists reporting on corruption and violence in Honduras regularly deal with violence and the risk of death. The surprising thing is that the Honduran government does not act on the evidence despite the evidence being present. According to the Commission for Human Rights, over 70 media workers died in Honduras between 2001 and 2017. According to a journalist report, the media freedom rights situation for Honduran media journalists has been deteriorating.

For more information on Media Freedom Rights for Honduran journalists, visit


The media freedom rights in Honduras faced threats since the 2009 coup with increasing violence against media reporters. Furthermore, the situation persisted with journalists reporting on working under dangerous conditions due to organized crime and corruption. The Honduran government contributes to the media hostility through its political leaders. The January inauguration of President Juan Orlando Hernández nonetheless brought no change in politicians’ general hostility toward the press. There is the worsening of Self-censorship seen with an increase in intimidation and death threats against journalists. The government keeps on threatening the Media freedom for Honduran media journalists, thus limiting the general editorial freedom.

For more information on the Honduran government denying media freedom rights in Honduras, click


Harassment, suspicious phone calls have become routine for Honduran media journalists. According to Reporters without Borders, Honduras is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. Additionally, Honduras is ranked 141 out of 180 countries on the 2018 World Press Freedom Index. The Honduran government has contributed to the current violence against journalists, especially in the wake of the 2009 coup. The 2009 US-backed military coup that removed former president paved the way for current President Hernandez. The current president is often facing constant criticism for prioritizing the interests of multinational corporations over the Honduran people. The current state of governance in Honduras contributes to the ignorance of Media freedom rights for Honduran media journalists.

For more information on Honduran media journalists facing an increase in threats and intimidation, click

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