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Fundamentally, MBA620 marketing management is a process that has different roles such as planning marketing activities. Moreover, marketing management facilitates activities and functions in the distribution of goods and services. Additionally, it involves analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs to bring the exchanges that a business desires with target markets. This is to achieve the objectives of an organization. It relies heavily on designing the offerings of an organization in terms of the needs and desires of the target markets and using effective communication, pricing, and distribution to motivate, service, and inform the market. Furthermore, it involves the creation of programs after careful analysis and forecasting market situations.

Read more on MBA620 marketing management and planning marketing activities at;


Primarily, MBA620 marketing management assesses marketing opportunities for a firm. Resultantly, this enables it to survive in constantly changing marketing conditions and opportunities. Another role of marketing management is planning marketing activities. Additionally, this also involves planning effective strategies to achieve the marketing objectives of an organization. Also, marketing management organizes marketing activities. This involves assigning activities to the right people to achieve the marketing objectives. Moreover, it deals with the coordination of different activities of an enterprise.


Essentially, planning marketing activities helps a firm to face future uncertainties as it involves taking measures for protection against unforeseen risks. Additionally, it provides a focus on marketing activities to meet the objectives of an organization. Also, is an element of MBA620 marketing management that helps to determine the right marketing mix. Moreover, it assists in determining appropriate proportions of different aspects of the marketing mix to create maximum appeal to customers. Planning marketing activities also enables better coordination to achieve better performance. Furthermore, it involves studying customers to determine their wants and directing marketing efforts towards those needs.

Read more on the importance of planning marketing activities at;

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