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Managing organizational change is essential to enhance effective performance management in an organization. Managing change is a systematic approach and application of knowledge, resources, and tools to deal with change. Additionally, it involves defining and adopting corporate strategies, structures, technologies, and procedures to handle changes in external conditions and the business environment. Also, it goes beyond project management and technical tasks that an organization undertakes to enact changes. Moreover, the primary goal of change management is to successfully implement new processes, products, and business strategies while minimizing negative outcomes.


The first step in managing organizational change is creating a sense of urgency. Moreover, transformational efforts usually begin when leaders examine changes in the business environment that may lead to new competitive realities for the organization. The next step is building a guiding coalition. Additionally, it is important to establish a group that is powerful enough to lead the change. This coalition should ensure effective performance management and learn to work together towards a common goal. Also, an organization should form a strategic vision and initiatives to motivate people to take appropriate actions and coordinate their actions.

Read more on the steps in managing organizational change at;


Fundamentally, effective performance management highlights training needs. Moreover, providing an open forum for employees to share and discuss their roles regularly can help to identify training needs before they have an impact on productivity. Also, it helps in managing organizational change while boosting the morale of employees during changes. Additionally, it also increases employee retention in the business environment. It ensures that an organization regularly reviews the expectations of employees and their objectives are clear. Furthermore, performance management helps with identifying the right employees for promotion.

Read more on the benefits of effective performance management at;

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