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Managerial communication in organizations is a process that helps in the sharing of knowledge. Moreover, it is the process through which a manager in an organization shares ideas or information with other members or managers in the team. It usually has a great impact on the achievement of the goals of an organization, staff morale, and organizational culture. Additionally, managerial communication helps in the smooth flow of information among managers working towards a common goal. There are two types of managerial communication. These include interpersonal and organizational communication. Primarily, interpersonal communication takes place between two or more people in the workplace. However, organizational communication takes place at all levels in the organization.

Read more on managerial communication in organizations and sharing of knowledge at;


Managerial communication in organizations is necessary for the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge amongst employees within the organization. Managers should communicate amongst themselves to come up with ideas that benefit their teams and the whole organization. Furthermore, managerial communication is essential to achieve the targets within a specific timeframe. Moreover, the managers need to effectively communicate with team members to make them understand their responsibilities in achieving the goals of an organization. Effective communication also reduces duplication of work.


Essentially, sharing of knowledge through managerial communication in organizations makes the best problem-solving experiences of an organization reusable. This helps to avoid redundant efforts by managers hence saving on time and budget. Also, it enables better and faster decision-making. Additionally, through sharing of knowledge, employees gain access to valuable information to deliver better results and meet the goals of an organization. Resultantly, this stimulates innovation and growth. Sharing knowledge also enables an organization to capture explicit and tacit knowledge to reduce the loss of know-how.

Read more on the benefits of knowledge sharing of knowledge within an organization at;

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