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People experiencing major depressive disorder can carry out lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity to help in treatment. Major depressive disorder is a mood disorder that causes people to experience persistent and intense feelings of sadness for long periods. Furthermore, it is a significant medical condition that can affect many areas of a person`s life. Moreover, it affects the mood, behaviour as well as physical functions of the body such as appetite and sleep. Most people with this disorder can learn to cope and function with treatment. Mental health professionals can diagnose this disorder by observing the symptoms and behaviour of a person.

Read more on the major depressive disorder and regular physical activity at;


In addition to medication, a person should make changes to their daily habits to help in fighting major depressive disorder. The primary step is eating the right kind of food. This is because certain food choices can benefit the mental well-being of a person. Moreover, it is important to avoid alcohol as it is a nervous system depressant that negatively affects the body. Regular physical activity is also crucial in a person`s life. It can boost the mood of a person experiencing major depressive disorder and make them feel better.

Read more on lifestyle changes to fight major depressive disorder at;


Primarily, regular physical activity makes a person feel happier. This is helpful to people experiencing major depressive disorder and anxiety. Additionally, physical activity produces changes in the part of the brain that regulates stress and anxiety. Moreover, it can help in weight reduction. Excessive weight is harmful and has negative effects on a person`s life. Physical activity is also good for the bones and muscles. It plays a key role in building and maintaining strong bones and muscles. Furthermore, it increases the energy levels for people with chronic fatigue syndrome and other serious illnesses.

Read more on the benefits of regular physical activity at;

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