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Lorien Health Services . best 2023

Artifact and Value Analysis in Lorien Health Services

In healthcare, organizations play a pivotal role in delivering quality care to individuals. One such entity is Lorien Health Services, a prominent healthcare provider known for its commitment to patient-centered care. As we delve into Week 2, we explore the concept of artifacts and values within this organization, shedding light on how these components shape its identity and operations.

Artifact – Electronic Health Records System:

Lorien Health Services

At the heart of modern healthcare, technology has revolutionized how medical information is collected, stored, and accessed. Lorien Health Services has embraced this digital transformation by implementing an advanced Electronic Health Records (EHR) system. An artifact is an organization’s tangible or visible aspect that reflects its underlying culture, values, and practices. The EHR system is a potent artifact in Lorien Health Services, symbolizing the organization’s commitment to efficiency, accuracy, and patient-centric care.

The EHR system is a comprehensive software solution that replaces traditional paper-based medical records. It encompasses patient information, including treatment plans, medical history, diagnostic results, and billing data. This artifact’s significance is multifaceted. Primarily, it streamlines communication and collaboration among healthcare providers within the Lorien network, allowing seamless sharing of patient data. This lines up with Lorien’s core values of teamwork and interdepartmental cooperation.

Furthermore, the EHR system exemplifies Lorien’s dedication to accuracy and patient safety. By reducing the chances of transcription errors and guaranteeing that up-to-date information is readily available, the organization upholds its commitment to providing the highest quality care. Moreover, this artifact reflects the value of innovation, as Lorien Health Services invests in cutting-edge technology to improve the overall patient experience.

Nevertheless, like any artifact, the EHR system also has its limitations. Data breaches, privacy concerns, and potential technological glitches are challenges that Lorien must address to guarantee the artifact endures to align with the organization’s values and objectives.

Value – Patient-Centered Care:

A core value is a fundamental belief that shapes an organization’s behavior, decisions, and interactions. For Lorien Health Services, the value of patient-centered care takes center stage. Patient-centered care involves tailoring healthcare services to meet patients’ needs, preferences, and values. It fosters a holistic approach that considers not only the physical health of patients but also their emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

In Lorien’s context, patient-centered care is more than just a catchphrase—it’s a guiding principle embedded in every organization’s operations. The value is evident in how staff members communicate with patients, the design of care plans, and the overall organizational culture. It emphasizes active listening, empathy, and shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and patients.

Patient-centered care resonates throughout Lorien’s services. From designing personalized treatment plans that consider patients’ lifestyles to involving them in decisions about their care journey, the organization ensures that patients are not merely recipients of care but active participants in their healing process. This value aligns with the broader healthcare trend of shifting from a paternalistic model to one that empowers patients to take charge of their health.

Additionally, Lorien’s commitment to patient-centered care extends to its physical spaces. Waiting rooms are designed to be welcoming and comfortable, reflecting the organization’s dedication to creating a positive experience for patients and their families. The value also influences the training and development of staff members, emphasizing the importance of compassionate care and effective communication.

Response to Colleague: Whys

Colleague’s Name: Alex

Your analysis of the artifact and value within Lorien Health Services was insightful and comprehensive. The Electronic Health Records (EHR) system you highlighted is a significant artifact showcasing the organization’s technological advancement and its emphasis on accuracy and collaboration. Your points concerning the reimbursements of the EHR system regarding information sharing and patient safety are particularly noteworthy. However, how does Lorien manage potential challenges associated with data security and the potential for technological glitches? Additional exploration of the organization’s strategies could improve the analysis.

Your exploration of the value of patient-centered care resonated with me. This value is deeply ingrained in Lorien’s approach, shaping its interactions with patients and its overall culture. The examples you provided, such as involving patients in decision-making and creating welcoming spaces, illustrate how patient-centered care is more than just a philosophy—it’s a lived reality in Lorien’s daily operations.

I’d like to escalate your considerate analysis and how you connected the artifact and value to Lorien’s identity. These components define the organization and its commitment to high-quality healthcare.


In conclusion, the artifact of the Electronic Health Records system and the value of patient-centered care are integral aspects of Lorien Health Services. The EHR system reflects the organization’s dedication to efficiency, accuracy, and innovation, while patient-centered care underscores its commitment to personalized, empathetic, and collaborative healthcare delivery. Both these elements contribute to Lorien’s identity and its mission to provide exceptional patient care.


Donaldson, M.S. and Lohr, K.N. (2019). Health Databases and Health Database Organizations: Uses, Benefits, and Concerns. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Maryland Assisted Living & Skilled Nursing Communities | Lorien Health Services. [online] Available at:

Lorien Health Services

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