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This paper discusses the levels of health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Health promotion is a behavioral science that draws from different scientific fields to promote health and prevent diseases. Also, it prevents disability and premature death through education-driven voluntary change activities. The levels of health promotion positively influence the behavior of individuals and communities as well as living and working conditions that influence their health. Disease prevention strategies are procedures that test individuals with risk factors of diseases in order to prevent the disease from occurring. However, the treatment of these diseases begins either before the signs and symptoms occur or shortly after the disease occurs.
 levels of health promotion and disease3 prevention strategies


There are three main levels of health promotion. These are primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. The primary level aims to limit the incidence of diseases and disability in the population. This occurs through the elimination of factors that reduce good health and the use of disease prevention strategies. In addition, they promote factors that are protective of health. Secondary level aims to prevent the progression of diseases. This is through early detection and intervention. Consequently, it targets individuals who show no signs and symptoms but are under the risk of exposure. Lastly, the tertiary level reduces the consequences s of the established disease. This is through improving individuals’ quality of life.
main levels of health promotion


Disease prevention strategies are important to the well-being and activeness of people in the following ways. First, they ensure better health and better health care. This is where individuals have positive experiences with their healthcare providers hence get their needs met. Second, it lowers costs whereby, individuals prevent health problems hence save money by reduction of the number of hospital visits. Third, using the levels of health promotion, disease prevention strategies reduce the population mortality rate. Lastly, they improve the quality of life of individuals through early detection of signs and symptoms of diseases hence seek medication on time.
 importance of disease prevention strategies

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