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Several issues threaten the legalization of marijuana such as the prevention of substance abuse. Marijuana is a brown, gray, or green mixture of dry leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds of the hemp plant. Moreover, it is a recreational and psychoactive drug. Also, it is a drug for certain ailments for spiritual and religious purposes. Several organizations such as the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act allow the responsible use of marijuana by adults in countries that legalize it. Furthermore, they protect young people from marijuana by reducing access and promoting comprehensive drug education. However, the legalization of marijuana comes along with its advantages and disadvantages.


A primary reason for the legalization of marijuana is that criminalizing its use resultantly harms young people. It also causes massive levels of corruption and violence. Furthermore, it does not curb the access of youth to marijuana. Additionally, legalizing the use of marijuana creates job opportunities and promotes the economy. Also, the organizations that fight for the prevention of substance abuse hinder marijuana legalization which can provide a new source of tax revenue from regulating the sales of marijuana.


Several countries consider the legalization of marijuana as a factor that will increase the risk of substance abuse. Fundamentally, it is important to understand how substance abuse begins and grows. Substance abuse begins with the use of marijuana or any other drug for recreational purposes. Also, it important for young adults to avoid places and people that bring along the temptation of using drugs. Furthermore, in the prevention of substance abuse is crucial to seek therapies for mental illness. This is because professional help an individual in coping skills in preventing substance abuse.

Read more on the measures for prevention of substance abuse at;

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