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The essay highlights the introduction to lifespan development and psychological development in childhood. From an educational perspective, lifespan development is a continuous and active process of coping with developmental tasks. Examples include demands, challenges, and changes that depend on people’s environment and life situations. That is in given phases of the aging process. The essay also looks at the psychodynamic theories approach in psychology. Notably, the significance of the environment and life situation for lifespan development is twofold. First, coping successfully with the demands of the environment and life situation increases the potential for dealing with future demands. Thus, it initiates further development; second, chances offered by the environment and life situation contribute to the realization of specific developmental gains. The introduction to lifespan development and psychological development in childhood essay helps in understanding lifespan development in children.

 introduction to lifespan development


Freud proposed that psychological development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages: oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. These are psychosexual stages because each step represents the fixation of libido on a different area of the body. As a person grows physically, certain areas of their body become important as sources of potential frustration, pleasure, or both. Significantly, Dr. Freud believed that life got built round tension and pleasure. Freud also believed that all pressure was due to the build-up of libido. Moreover, he contributed to the psychodynamic theories approach that involved using psychoanalytical approaches. Also, he thought that all pleasure came from its discharge. The introduction to lifespan development and psychological development in childhood discusses Dr. Freud’s essential works in psychology.

 psychological development in childhood and Dr. Freud’s contribution


The essay highlights the psychodynamic theories approach and psychoanalytical approaches in psychology. Psychodynamic Theories are descendants of the original psychoanalytic approach developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 1800s. Notably, Dr. Freud was one of the first “psychotherapists” and was nothing if not influential. Significantly, Freud introduced the idea that the mind gets divided into multiple parts. Examples include the irrational and impulsive Id, the judgmental super-ego, and the rational ego. Notably, he also contributed to psychological development in childhood. His basic therapeutic idea was that mental illness cause was mental tensions created by repression. Thus, mental health could get restored by making repressed knowledge conscious. The introduction to lifespan development and psychological development in childhood essay helps in understanding, Dr. Freud’s psychological theories.

psychodynamic theories approach and the psychoanalytical approaches

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