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An introduction to leadership and the theories of leadership are essential in conducting an individual leadership experience. Leadership is a relational process that involves interactions among leaders and various members. Notably, good leaders get made and not born, as many like to think. Good leadership gets developed through a continuous process of self-study, training, and experience. Mainly, leadership involves a person influencing others to accomplish an objective and directs a company to become more coherent. Leadership attributes such as beliefs and values allow for leaders to carry out leadership. The essay will highlight an introduction to leadership and several theories of leadership essential in evaluating personal leadership.

introduction to leadership and theories of leadership


The essay will focus on evaluating leadership behaviors and measuring leadership performance. Assessing and measuring leadership performance may prove to be difficult for an individual. However, various models can help in differentiating traits highlighting leadership and management for individuals in any organization. Mainly, the administration uses interpersonal influence, whereby leaders utilize people’s behaviors to enhance individual and collective performance. A critical evaluation can allow for the practical assessment of leadership performance. Primarily, the degree of formality and the level of vocabulary are essential in assessing individual leadership performance. The article will discuss an introduction to leadership and various theories of leadership to evaluate leadership relations with others.

 measuring leadership performance and introduction to leadership


Several theories of leadership can help in conducting an individual’s evaluation of leadership. Mainly, leadership theories involve studying the qualities of good leaders. One everyday leadership theory used in various organizations is the transformational theory. Primarily, it studies effective leadership as a subsequent positive relationship between a leader and team members. Enthusiasm and passion are the primary tools of inspiration and motivation for transformational leaders. Also, the situational theory is where the best kind of leader adapts according to the current situation. An introduction to leadership and the various methods of administration is critical in evaluating leadership ad relationship with followers.

 theories of leadership and evaluation of leadership

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