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The essay will highlight the internet’s impact on communication and the revolution in communication globally. Mainly, people’s ability to communicate with each other is a critical component of the glue connecting people. The internet has had a significant impact on communication since its inception and globalization. Importantly, the internet helps in making communication faster and easier while diversifying the modes of communication. The internet allowed distant people to remain present in each other’s lives, thus fostering togetherness and intimacy. Moreover, the internet has improved social interactions, virtually allowing for people to expand their horizons. The internet’s impact on communication is massive due to the continued revolution in communication.


There are several effects of communication technology on individuals and businesses worldwide. Mainly, companies can reach customers and improve the efficiency of their operations through advances in communication technology. Technology allows companies to keep contacts of customers and update them and ask questions. However, there is a lack of a built relationship as technology dramatically reduces the time for face-to-face interaction. Another advantage of communication technology is that it allows for one to keep extended communication logs. An individual with a business may track emails and texts quickly. The internet’s impact on communication is extensive, thanks to the continued revolution in communication.

effects of communication technology and the internet’s impact on communication


The revolution in communication has led to increased changes in global communication, improving the quality of communication. Notably, several developments in the communication field have affected human society throughout history. Humans have progressed from one stage of civilization to another with the development of improved means of communication. Mainly, humans used symbols and signs to communicate and turned them into a form of writing and recording. That was through the use of primitive materials, and this was a significant leap in communication. Importantly, printing in the 15th century revolutionized global communication. Lastly, the essay will discuss the internet’s impact on communication and revolution in connection over centuries.

 revolution in communication and changes in global communication

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