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Frequently, scholars carry out research to help them understand the human behavioral effects on global and environmental health. Notably, their findings indicate that human behavioral effects on global and environmental health are an important area of study. Mostly, because humans and the environment exist in an interdependent relationship. Thus, to achieve better public health, scholars must possess a deep understanding of this knowledge. Examples of changes resulting from human interaction with the environment include climatic changes. These changes result from the use of such things as fossil fuels. Eventually, these fuels release a large number of gases, which trap heat within the earth’s atmosphere causing tremendous climatic changes. Therefore, interfering with public health.

Read more about human effects on global and environmental health at:


Firstly, research has indicated that human behavioral effects on global and environmental health are an important area of study. Therefore, relevant personnel should focus most actions attempting to promote environmental health at manipulating human behavior. This includes informing people of the importance of using such things as renewable energy sources. Renewable sources of energy such as solar will help reduce one’s carbon footprint. Thus, this helps to promote global and environmental health. Additionally, research indicates that traveling less helps conserve the environment. Mostly, this is because less travel helps reduce air pollution. As a result, it ensures global and environmental health thus helping to achieve a better public health outcome.

Read more about how to reduce human effects on environmental health at:


In as much as economic development is important to every country, individuals should consider protecting the environment during this development. Notably, research indicates that human behavioral effects on the environment play a major role in causing major environmental catastrophes. Thus, leading to poor global and environmental health. Therefore, it is dire that we educate everyone on the importance of global and environmental health. This is to help them understand the need for protecting their environment. Among the importance of global and environmental health is protecting individuals from zoonotic illnesses. This is because a healthy environment limits human interaction with wildlife. As a result, pathogens from animals cannot easily move onto humans causing diseases. This ensures better public health by promoting individual’s health.

Read more about importance of global and environmental health at:

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