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This assignment reviews the health policy, and mandatory vaccinations in the U.S. Most states depend primarily on federal resources to purchase vaccines. Federal funds pay for approximately 95 percent of all publicly funded vaccinations. Also, State legislators face decisions related to increasingly complex vaccine schedules and recommendations. National immunization programs often seem invisible. Therefore, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccine schedules for children, adolescents, and adults. The bases for recommendation are scientific evidence and the benefits of preventing infectious diseases. For safety reasons, the immunization policy and procedure have strict measures. All states allow exemptions for medical purposes. Almost all states grant religious or philosophical exemptions.
Read more of health policy and mandatory vaccinations in the U.S at


Following the immunization policy and procedure, every licensed and recommended vaccine must go through thorough safety testing. During a clinical trial, vaccine testing occurs on people who volunteer to get vaccinated. Throughout the process, the FDA works closely with the company producing the vaccine to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. Additionally, the national immunization program requires that people with suspected adverse reactions reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This is usually after the medical community begins to use a vaccine. As for mandatory vaccinations in the U.S, it is not a must for adults to get vaccinated. All states require children to get vaccinated to attend school. However, different states grant different levels of exemptions.
Read more of vaccines testing and monitoring for safety at


The national immunization program faces critique, especially from an ethical standpoint. An ethical dilemma lies in the balance of personal autonomy and choice versus the protection of the entire at-risk population. Debates continue as to the appropriateness of requirements for vaccinations. The immunization policy and procedure have legal mandates of vaccinations during public health emergencies and more routinely for school entry. We should minimize conflicts among the relevant ethical principles when developing and implementing vaccination requirements. This is mainly for the mandatory vaccinations in the U.S. One way is reviewing and evaluating current vaccination mandates in the relevant health jurisdiction. Another is increasing the use of non-compulsory vaccination strategies.
Read more of the ethical issues concerning vaccination requirements at 
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