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There are several global warming effects, and humans are one of the leading causes of global warming. Mainly, human activities such as burning fossil fuels and pollution lead to carbon pollution. Global warming effects include more frequent and severe weather seen by higher temperatures that cause various disasters. Primarily, global warming is causing changing weather patterns with areas becoming drier or wetter. Global warming has led to higher death rates as temperature spikes cause increased incidences of illness and death. Moreover, it is also causing air pollution due to rising air temperatures. Global warming effects are a result of human activities that are the primary causes of global warming.


Scientists have devised different methods to understand the causes of global warming and whether humans are guilty. Notably, the fingerprints of humans left on earth’s climate have turned up in several records. Moreover, the prints are observable in the ocean, in the atmosphere, and the earth’s surface. Scientists have more confidence in the role humans play in causing global warming by improving their research methods. Primarily, human activities are driving the increase in CO2 concentration. Scientists have discovered so by tracking the distinct carbon found in fossil fuels. The global warming effects continue to rise, and there is a need for mitigation of human causes of global warming.

 causes of global warming and increased CO2 concentration


Some global warming controversies are surrounding the reality of global warming and its effects. This is despite the scientific consensus on the continued and future impacts of global warming. Mainly, those disagreeing with the notion don’t believe that currently shows a measurable upward trend in global temperatures. That is because we lack enough long-term historical climate data, and the available data is unclear. Moreover, some scientists believe that information is getting misinterpreted by some people worrying about global warming. Other scientists are arguing that global warming is due to some other causes and not greenhouse gases. Lastly, the essay will help in understanding global warming effects and causes of global warming.

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