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This paper analyzes the global population growth and the effects of overpopulation. The use of resources and their impacts on the environment varies in different countries. With the increasing population, there is an increased rate of emission of carbon IV oxide hence the negative effects of overpopulation on the environment tend to increase. The higher the number of people the more the resources required. This leads to depletion of resources such as trees which bring about change extreme weather changes which are accompanied by long-term climate changes. Other vulnerable populations may suffer decreased access to clean water and an increase in air pollution.
Read more on global population growth and effects of overpopulation at;


Due to the destructive nature of human beings, they generate a lot of waste in the environment that exceeds the capacity of the environment to absorb. Excessive waste leads to water and air pollution. The global population growth also poses a threat to biodiversity through the extraction of minerals from the earth that causes the death of animals and plants leading to an ecological imbalance. This may cause extreme weather changes. Another impact of population growth is the depletion of forests human activities such as clearing of forests for settlement. A further increase in the population arises from the effects of overpopulation. Population growth also leads to heavy industrialization of causing air and water population. A similar effect is land degradation because of the extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides.
Read more on the impacts of population growth on the environment at;


One effect of overpopulation is the shortage of food. The amount of food production increases with an increase in global population growth. Despite this, the production of food has a limit. Food production also needs to rise to match the growing population. This may cause war, starvation, and collapsing of nations. Due to overpopulation, diseases can also spread faster in overpopulated areas.  Overpopulation causes increased dumping and vehicle emissions. This causes air and soil pollution. As a result, air pollution causes global warming causing extreme weather changes.
Read more on the possible impacts of overpopulation at;

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