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GEN499 climate change is a global phenomenon that majorly results from the human population increase. Additionally, it has various drastic effects such as shifting weather patterns that threaten food production and rising sea levels which increase the risk of floods. Therefore, it is important to take drastic action presently to enable adaptation of these impacts in the future. Moreover, cities are the key contributors to climate change as urban activities are the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions. Some countries come up with solutions such as limiting industrial emissions, ensuring cleaner production techniques, and using renewable energy sources to counter climate change. Furthermore, cutting emissions reduces pollution hence improving air quality and health of plants and animals.

Read more on GEN499 climate change and human population increase at;


Fundamentally, there are several causes of GEN499 climate change. The destruction of land ecosystems and deforestation are common causes of climate change. They lead to the destruction of forests with are water catchment areas. Also, greenhouse gas emissions significantly contribute to climate change. Sources of greenhouse gases include the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural treatment. Moreover, another cause of climate change is human population increase. A growing population requires more resources which increases the rate of greenhouse gas emission.

Read more on the causes of GEN499 climate change at;


Human population increase leads to various forms of environmental damage. Primarily, it increases greenhouse gas emissions which leads to GEN499 climate change. Also, the scarcity of land pushes people to areas such as forests and hillsides which are sensitive ecological areas. Additionally, a rapidly increasing population plunges the economy leading to mass unemployment and underemployment. Also, it reduces incomes, investments, and savings. Moreover, human population increase leads to a higher demand for resources such as food, houses, and clothes. Consequently, the cost of these resources rises leading to a higher cost of living. This leads to low standards of living.

Read more on the consequences of human population increase at;

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