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This research paper looks at the evidence-based practice process and adopting the evidence-based practice. Nurse managers play an important role in promoting evidence-based practice in clinical units within hospitals. However, there is a shortage of research focused on NM perspectives about institutional contextual factors to support EBP’s goal. A crucial factor in delivering high-quality patient care is the nursing implementation of evidence-based practice. Other factors include institutional leadership, where nurse managers play an integral role in implementing EBP in nursing units. EBP allows nurses to make complex healthcare decisions based on findings from high-quality research reports and patient perspectives. NMs have dynamic roles in helping facilitate the evidence-based practice process and adopting an evidence-based practice at the unit level.

the evidence-based practice process and adopting the evidence-based practice


The evidence-based practice process continues to gain momentum within health care. EBP is one way to keep a nurse’s knowledge up to date and enhance clinical judgment. The first step of the evidence-based practice process is asking a clinical question. The second step involves searching for the best advice by selecting information databases most likely to answer the questions asked. Critically Appraising the Evidence as the third step involves determining a study’s reliability and applicability to the client in question. Integrate the Evidence with One’s Clinical Expertise is the fourth step. The fifth step mainly involves evaluating the Outcomes of the EBP Practice Decision. Lastly, the sixth step of the evidence-based practice process for adopting an evidence-based practice is disseminating the outcome.

 6 steps of the evidence-based practice process


The evidence-based practice process results from integrating available research and patient preferences to promote effective care decision-making. Oncology nurses are the best suit to be adopters and promoters of EBP, resulting in practice change for improved safety. The impact of EBP on nursing and patient outcomes is visible. As a result, many organizations have developed competency-based, nurse-led EBP programs. Thus, the programs are redesigning care delivery to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions while reducing costs and safety risks.Also, for EBP integration to be successful and sustainable, a culture of EBP readiness must exist through ongoing leadership support. Finally, Evidence-based practice process and adopting an evidence-based practice ensures organizations have a systematic and evaluative approach to collaborative practice.

 adopting an evidence-based practice model to facilitate practice change

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