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End-of-Life Decisions. quality 2023

Ethical Analysis of End-of-Life Decisions through the Christian Worldview: A Case Study on Death and Dying

End-of-Life Decisions

Abstract to End-of-Life Decisions:

This essay probes into the ethical analysis of a case study involving end-of-life decisions through the lens of the Christian worldview. The case study revolves around George (a person diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)), who must make vital choices about his suffering and life’s value. By exploring George’s situation using the Christian narrative, this essay examines his interpretation of suffering in light of the world’s fallenness and the hope of resurrection. It then delves into the Christian perspective on the value of life and deliberates on the moral implications of euthanasia. This analysis aims to provide insights into the morally justified options within the Christian worldview and concludes with a personal decision based on the author’s worldview.

Introduction to End-of-Life Decisions:

Healthcare professionals encounter diverse faith expressions, necessitating a deep understanding of various worldviews. In this essay, from the Christian worldview perspective, we analyse a case study involving George, who faces end-of-life decisions due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). By addressing questions concerning George’s interpretation of suffering, the value of his life, the moral implications of euthanasia, and personal decision-making, we aim to understand the complex ethical considerations inherent in such situations.

Interpretation of Suffering and Fallenness:

According to Christians ‘ narrative, suffering is often understood in the context of the world’s fallenness, originating from the original sin in the Garden of Eden. George’s suffering could be interpreted as a consequence of this fallen state, where human imperfection leads to physical ailments and pain. From a Christian standpoint, suffering is a universal experience, a reminder of the brokenness of creation, and an opportunity for spiritual growth through endurance and reliance on God’s grace.

Interpretation of Suffering and Hope of Resurrection:

Christianity emphasises the hope of resurrection and eternal life through Jesus Christ. George’s suffering can be seen as a temporary affliction, paving the way for eventual redemption and restoration. The Christian narrative assures believers that their earthly suffering is transitory compared to the promise of an everlasting, pain-free existence in the afterlife. George might find solace in this hope, viewing his present suffering as a pathway to a future without pain or disability.

Value of Life in the Christian Worldview:

The Christian worldview theorises that every human life is integrally valuable, as humans are created in the image of God. George’s life, despite his diagnosis, retains its worth, as his identity and purpose are rooted in his relationship with God. The Christian perspective rejects the notion that an individual’s value is contingent on their physical condition, emphasising instead the intrinsic dignity of all persons.

Deliberation on Euthanasia:

From a Christian viewpoint, euthanasia presents ethical challenges. Taking one’s life or hastening death contradicts the belief that God is the author of life and death. Euthanasia could be seen as rejecting God’s sovereignty and attempting to seize control over life’s ultimate course. Moreover, the Christian emphasis on compassion and empathy necessitates exploring alternatives like palliative care and spiritual support for those facing terminal illnesses.

Morally Justified Options in the Christian Worldview:

Within the Christian worldview, morally justified options for George include seeking medical treatments that alleviate pain and improve his quality of life, engaging in spiritual practices that provide comfort and strength, and fostering deeper connections with loved ones. Rather than choosing euthanasia, George could embrace his suffering as an opportunity to draw closer to God and leave a lasting impact on those around him.

Personal Decision Based on Worldview:

Based on the Christian worldview, I Endorse valuing George’s life, even suffering. Recognising suffering as a shared human experience stemming from a fallen world, the focus would be on finding solace in the hope of resurrection and utilising available resources to enhance George’s quality of life. Euthanasia would likely not align with this perspective, as it conflicts with the Christian principles of the sanctity of life and trust in God’s plan.

Conclusion to End-of-Life Decisions:

The case study of George’s end-of-life decisions exemplifies the intricate ethical landscape that healthcare providers navigate. Through the Christian worldview, we explored George’s interpretation of suffering, the hope of resurrection, the value of life, and considerations about euthanasia. This analysis underscores the importance of understanding diverse worldviews when addressing complex ethical dilemmas. Ultimately, the Christian perspective prioritises the inherent worth of every individual and emphasises a holistic approach to care that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

References to End-of-Life Decisions:

Anon, (2022). Case Study: End of Life Decisions – Peachy Tutors. [online] Available at: 

EduFixers. (n.d.). End of Life Decisions: The Christian Worldview | Free Essay Example. [online] Available at:

End-of-Life Decisions

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