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This paper discusses the element of weather and climate change occurrence. Weather is a mix of changes that occur each day in the atmosphere. Weather all-round the earth is never the same hence changes over minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Climate describes what the weather is like over a long period in a specific area. It is therefore the average weather conditions of a place. Though they are closely related, they are not the same thing because the climate is the expected condition while the weather is what is happening. Across the world, automated weather stations measure these elements of weather for various locations daily.
elements of weather and climate change occurrence


There are six main elements of the weather. These are temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, precipitation, cloudiness, and humidity. Temperature is how hot or cold the atmosphere is and its measurement is in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Atmospheric pressure is the weight of the overhead atmosphere and It signals a shift in weather patterns. The wind is the moving air and is as a result of human activities. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. This vapor is a gas that helps make clouds, snow, and rain. Excess water vapor falls as precipitation in different forms like rain, fog, snow, dew, and hailstones. These elements change from time to time in different places. The change in these average weather conditions can lead to climate change occurrence.
Read more on the main elements of weather


Climate change occurrence has the following effects. It leads to changes in water resources. This is where some regions are likely to face drought and water shortage. It also leads to an increase in the frequency of heavy downpours which leads to floods and water quality problems. Change in average weather conditions reduces the amount of snow on snowcapped mountains hence rivers that flow from the dry up. Climate change also poses a danger to food security due to changes in the elements of weather that bring about increased temperatures, diseases, and water stress. Human health is also vulnerable to climate change. Changing the environment leads to poor air quality, disease transmission, and waterborne diseases.
 effects of climate change occurrence

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