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This paper looks into effective performance management and engagement of employees; performance management is the process of improving the performance of an organization by setting goals for the team and individuals which are in line with the goals of an organization, planning on achieving the goals, accessing the progress, and improving the knowledge, ability, and skills of people. Performance management is a process that is a continuous process with stages. It creates a space where employees work to the best of their abilities and produce excellent work. Also, effective performance management entails leadership, constructive feedback, teamwork, and interpersonal relationships.
effective performance management and engagement of employees


Defining and communicating the organization’s goals and objectives are essential in effective performance management. First, the use of goal-tracking software helps in the definition of goals. Second, the utilization of performance management software is another strategy of performance management. Third, performance feedback, which boosts the engagement of employees. Besides, it creates room for improvement in achieving the goals of an organization. Lastly, effective performance management requires the setting up of regular meetings to discuss the results and outcomes in achieving the goals and objectives. The practice of preemptive management and implementing rewards helps to motivate employees.
 strategies for effective performance management


The development of great leaders inspires the engagement of employees as great leaders take time to understand what motivates their employees. Leaders should regularly perform check-ins on employees and frequently discuss on performance. This promotes effective performance management and also creates a good relationship between leaders and their employees. Ensuring frequent feedback and a culture that is rich in recognition boosts the engagement of employees. It is also important to develop a culture that focuses on forward growth and development in achieving the goals of an organization. Employees should, therefore, be able to see how their work contributes to the success of the organization. This motivates them to do great work.
ways of inspiring the engagement of employees

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